September 21, 2024

Popular Ghanaian actress, Juliet Ibrahim, stated that counseling women to stay in relationships with unfaithful spouses is harmful.

She mentioned this during a conversation with Saturday Beats about urging women to stay in unpleasant relationships for financial reasons.

According to the thespian, who recently came out about her domestic abuse, relationships should be built on mutual love and respect, and one should not stay with dishonest partners for financial gain.

She said:

“I firmly believe that advising someone, especially a woman, to stay in a relationship their partner’s infidelity solely for financial benefits is not a healthy or empowering approach. Each person deserves to be in a relationship based on mutual love, trust and respect. Infidelity should not be tolerated or justified based on financial considerations.

Instead, I encourage individuals to prioritise their emotional wellbeing, and make choices that align with their values and self-respect. Every individual deserves to be in a relationship that honours their worth and happiness.”

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