July 3, 2024

In the wee hours of Thursday, a group of Lawayers exited an event hosted by the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA). Their departure was attributed to their inability to tolerate the selection of Portable as the headline performer.

his concert, dubbed Unbarred, went down at the Velodrome, nestled within the MKO Abiola Stadium in Abuja, as part and parcel of the NBA Annual General Conference.

The lawyers, who’d been twiddling their thumbs waiting for the programme to kick off, were left wide-eyed when Portable took the spotlight, at what was touted as the biggest NBA-AGC closing party ever

NBA President Yakubu Maikyau dished out a quick spiel before the edgy singer strutted onto the stage.

Videos circulating on social media exhibit Portable, shirtless, scaling some of the stadium’s equipment. Many of the lawyers expressed their reservations about the selection of the Zazu singer and opted to leave the event.

On the other hand, some lawyers chose to remain and witness the performance by the contentious artist.

See video of Portable performance below;

Around 1 am, these protesting lawyers were caught, in videos and photos,  leaving the stadium, either strutting away or zooming off in their cars.

Watch the video of angry Lawyers walking out of the venue below;

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