October 4, 2024

The talented young boy behind Kcee’s OjaPiano flute, known as Ojazzy, has openly expressed his disappointment at not receiving any compensation for his contributions to the popular songs “OJAPIANO” and “OJAGINGER.”

The singer Kcee, who had made promises in this regard, has yet to fulfill them, according to the young artist.

Ojazzy, whose melodic flute performances lent a distinctive and captivating dimension to Kcee’s music, has brought his concerns to the public’s attention.

In a recent statement, he emphasized the need for the publishing of these songs, asserting that Kcee’s unfulfilled promises have left him in a difficult situation.

In his own words, Ojazzy lamented, “I was not paid kobo for OJAPIANO and OJAGINGER. He made promises which are yet to be fulfilled.

I NEED PUBLISHING OF THE SONG. His promises he failed.” He further underlined his identity, stating, “Ojazzy Igbo. I was not a nobody before I met Kcee.”

The young artist’s decision to speak out serves as a reminder of the importance of recognizing and fairly compensating the talents that contribute to the creation of music and art.

As this story unfolds, it raises questions about the responsibilities and commitments made by artists and the ethical considerations involved in collaborations within the music industry.

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