October 5, 2024

His response infuriated the lady and she criticized him for refusing to sponsor her trip.

A viral chat between a man, identified simply as Kevin, and his girlfriend has sparked mixed reactions on social media over the lady’s demands.

In the chat, the lady asked her boyfriend for the sum of N10 million for a solo vacation. She had apparently demanded the money earlier and was only reminding him of it.

She explained that she wanted to embark on the trip because all of her friends had already gone, and she felt left out, which was giving them the impression that her boyfriend is broke.

However, her boyfriend expressed his inability to provide 10 million for a trip that she intended to go alone, and stated that he would rather invest the funds into his business. He also promised that they would travel together once they are married.

His response infuriated the lady and she criticized him for refusing to sponsor her trip. She went as far as declaring that she could not marry him because he would not be able to provide her financial needs in marriage.

Read the full chat below,

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