September 27, 2024

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We’ve set prepared a Privacy Policy for our users, which you can find below. Please carefully read the following information and contact us if you have any queries. As of June 20, 2022, this policy is in effect.

Our Policy is dedicated to protecting the privacy of its website visitors and users. This Privacy Policy was established to provide our readers peace of mind when they visit and use the site, as well as to demonstrate our dedication to fair information practices and privacy protection.

Information Gathering Techniques

The following describes our procedures for gathering information from users:

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

(a) Types of Personal Information: We only gather personally identifiable information from you if you sign up for a newsletter or contact us, and this information includes:

  • Your name,
  • Your email address
  • Message details you send with inquiries.

(b) Modification or Removal Process: If you need to change or remove your information or any article posted here that concern you, please contact us.

(c) Privacy Policy Modifications and Updates: We reserve the right to change and update this Privacy Policy at any time. We will post a notice on the Site for 30 days prior to the change taking effect if we change or update the policy.

(f) Third-Party Tracking: We’ve decided to be transparent and tell you whether third parties can collect and track your personally identifiable information through our website.

Because we utilize their services for social media, infrastructure, and analytics, Google and the other sites listed below can track you as you navigate this site. This allows us to improve the user experience. Google is a member of the NIA’s opt-out program.

What Additional Information Do We Collect?

(a) Automatic collection: Our systems recognize the domain names and IP addresses of visitors automatically (the number assigned to computers on the Internet). This process does not reveal any personal information about you.

Mosmedia may also collect anonymous aggregate “traffic data” that does not identify you individually, but which may be used for marketing purposes or to improve the services we provide.

(b) Cookies: During your visit, we may use “cookies” to collect information by storing a little piece of data on your computer. Cookies are used to collect data about how you use the internet, which we aim to incorporate into the Site to improve your experience.

Cookies are used to:

  1. Identify you as a returning user and to count your visits in our traffic statistics analysis;
  2. Remember your custom display preferences;
  3. Suggest any recent searches you’ve made on our site
  4. Other usability features including tracking whether you’ve already given your consent to cookies

Enabling cookies from our website is not strictly necessary for the website to work but it will provide you with a better browsing experience.